Dear fellow grad worker,

You may have heard that Northeastern sent armed police to interrogate two of our organizers, specifically targeting them as minoritized student workers by threatening charges for legally protected union organizing activity.

We have taken several steps to show Northeastern that we won’t stand for our fellow students being intimidated: we filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); we have several letters of support underway from various departments, student groups, and allied unions; and the Boston City Council recently passed a resolution condemning Northeastern’s retaliation (video).

Now that we know we have such strong support behind us, it’s time to really show the Northeastern administration the power of student workers standing together, refusing to be intimidated. We need them to understand that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.

To do that, we need caring and committed volunteers to join the planning and organizing for our response. Will you stand with us?

If so, please fill out this form (it requires you to make a free account), and we’ll be in touch with details!

In solidarity,

GENU-UAW Organizing Committee

Let’s Take a Stand Against Northeastern’s Union Busting